Option Input
Options are an input control that can be on or off, checked or not checked much like checkboxes except once checked it cannot be unchecked by clicking it. When a value is set for 'Group ID', only one option in that group can be checked at once, check one option and the other options will uncheck. When checked and any inputs are submitted to a new web page, the value of content is submitted.
On Focus
• The script to be executed when selected. This value is only available with 'Use Focus'.
On Blur
• The script to be executed when selection is lost. This value is only available with 'Use Focus'.
On Key Press
• The script to be executed when a keyboard key has been pressed. This script event includes a variable 'Key', which is the unicode value of the key that has been pressed.
On Change
• The script to be executed when the item changes.
Group ID
• Set a group ID, so that only one option within this group can be checked at once. Only the content of the checked option will be submitted.
• The checkbox is checked.
Use Native Style
• Use the default style of the browser or device.
• The style and function.
Use Mouse Over
• The input can change color when the mouse is moved over it. This doesn’t work for touch screens and phones.
Use Focus
• The input can change color when it is selected.
Back Color
• The background color.
Back Over Color
• The color of the background when the mouse is moved over it.
Back Focus Color
• The color of the background when the input is selected.
Border Type
• The type of line, none, solid, dotted or dashed lines.
Border Color
• The color of the lines or borders.
Border Over Color
• The color of the lines or borders when the mouse is moved over it.
Border Focus Color
• The color of the lines or borders when the input is selected.
Border Width
• The width of the lines or borders.
• The gap between the border and the content.
Fore Color
• The foreground color.
Fore Over Color
• The color of the foreground when the mouse moves over it.
Fore Focus Color
• The color of the foreground when the input is selected.
Checked Color
• The color when checked.
Checked Over Color
• The checked color when the mouse moves over it.
Checked Focus Color
• The checked color when the input is selected.
• Add shadow effects.
Shadow Width
• The width of the shadow.
Shadow Height
• The height of the shadow.
Read Only
• The text can only be read.
• Show some information when the mouse hovers over an item. Tooltips are not displayed when using touch.
• Embed any image data in the HTML export.
Input Set
• Set the text value of an input. You must set a 'Script ID' value for the input in the timeline.
InputSet("Script ID","Text");
Input Get
• Get the text value of an input. You must set a 'Script ID' value for the input in the timeline.
InputGet("Script ID");
Input Set Checked
• Set the checked value of an input. You must set a 'Script ID' value for the input in the timeline.
InputSetChecked("Script ID",Checked:Boolean);
Input Get Checked
• Get the checked value of an input. You must set a 'Script ID' value for the input in the timeline.
InputGetChecked("Script ID");
Input Focus
• Give an input the keyboards focus. You must set a 'Script ID' value for the input in the timeline.
InputFocus("Script ID");