
Creating Masks Using Pivot Points

Loop the Loop

This tutorial demonstrates how to make an aeroplane loop the loop, by following a curved path. Import an image of an aeroplane into the library.

Import Import

Click to save this image to your computer.

Loop the Loop Aeroplane

Loop the Loop 1

Add the aeroplane to the bottom of the editor at frame 0.

Loop the Loop 2

Loop the Loop 3

Add another frame for the aeroplane at frame 20. This frame will be exactly the same as frame 0, the end of the loop.

Loop the Loop 4

Add the mid point of the loop at frame 10. Rotate the aeroplane 180 degrees and move it to the top.

Loop the Loop 5

Loop the Loop 6

Select frame 0, set the curve to -100 and the rotation direction to anticlockwise.

Loop the Loop 7

In the editor the curve is show by a dotted red line.

Loop the Loop 8

Select frame 10 and again set the curve to -100 and the rotation direction to anticlockwise.

Loop the Loop 9

Loop the Loop 10

Press play to see the aeroplane loop the loop.

Loop the Loop 11

Creating Masks Using Pivot Points