
Working with Layers Adding YouTube Video

Understanding Script ID

This tutorial explains what 'Script ID' is and how to use it. Simply, it is a way to identify different items in a movie. Create a new movie and add a 'Text Box' to the library.

Understanding Script ID 1

Add three copies of the 'Text Box' to the editor.

Understanding Script ID 2

Select the first frame of the first 'Text Box' and set its 'Script ID' value to Text1.

Understanding Script ID 3

Select the second 'Text Box' and set its 'Script ID' value to TextB.

Understanding Script ID 4

Select the third 'Text Box' and set its 'Script ID' value to Banana. You can make the 'Script ID' anything you like, as long as it is a unique name.

Understanding Script ID 5

Now, each 'Text Box' has a unique name. There are lots of function available that require a 'Script ID' value. Add this script to the 'On Start' event of the movie.


Press play to test the movie. The text of each 'Text Box' has been set to a different value.

Understanding Script ID 7

Working with Layers Adding YouTube Video