
Arithmetic Boolean Comparisons

Script Comparisons

Comparisons are used to compare two values. To test if they are equal to each other, or if one is more than the other. The result of a comparison is either true or false.

== • Two values are equal to each other. A true or false value is returned.

var A=3,B=3;
var C=A==B;
var Text1="Hello",Text2="Hello";
var Result=Text1==Text2;

=== • Two values are equal to each other and their types are the same. A true or false value is returned.

var A=3,B=3;
var C=A===B;

!= • Two values are not equal to each other. A true or false value is returned.

var A=4,B=3;
var C=A!=B;

!== • Two values are not equal to each other or their types are not the same. A true or false value is returned.

var A=4,B=3;
var C=A!==B;

> • A value is greater than another. A true or false value is returned.

var A=4,B=3;
var C=A>B;

< • A value is less than another. A true or false value is returned.

var A=3,B=4;
var C=A<B;

>= • A value is greater than or equal to another. A true or false value is returned.

var A=4,B=4;
var C=A>=B;

<= • A value is less than or equal to another. A true or false value is returned.

var A=4,B=4;
var C=A<=B;

Arithmetic Boolean Comparisons